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I don't need drug habits - I have my family

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:27 am
by TragicPixie
I seem to have this problem: I can't quit coming to my parents house. When I'm hungry and bored and I'm awlays convinced I will do my homework.

I do not.

I have spent the last eight hours almost called everyone I know chasing down things for tomorrow night...

and I have two weeks left of classes and have not even started on my final papers.

... and I have successfully cleaned out my parents left over few bottles of wine from Easter.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 4:38 am
by TragicPixie
oh no - now I searched for Rainbow Brite on ebay ... and I'm about to spend another paycheque.

There's even a Rainbow Brite cakepan. ...

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:08 am
by marky
But I think I wrote that down in my notebook, Pixie, from last night when we were talking - but it wasn't a Rainbow Bright cakepan you were talking about, it was a Carebear Cake Pan. Do you remember this at all? It's all pretty hazy and I wouldn't have remembered it had I not written it down.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:15 am
by TragicPixie
yes and now I'm torn. which is cuter?

I'm having really odd thoughts tonight - but mostly cause I feel fat.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:38 am
by marky
Are there pictures of Rainbow Bright cake pans and Carebear cake pans?

A lot of people feel fat sometimes that aren't really fat. It's a common thing.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:20 pm
by TragicPixie
I think it's my birthcontrol ... sooo I think I'll stop taking this. This should be discussed with J I suppose.

It's early and I'm getting ready for the rave... woohoo...
and I look damn cute in my ew-I'm-not-wearing-makeup-til-tonight-and-my-hair-is-icky.

I totally forgot to re-dye my hair last night. Damn!

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:45 pm
by marky
You better get on it Melanie! I really do want to see blue hair. Don't you?

who needs families?

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:18 pm
by megapulse

okay, i have a picture. it relates -- it is the carebear -- tenderheart -- spread the love tee; most of my students like the grumpy blue carebear, i do not, i do not even understand the close to oxymoron of a carebear that is grumpy -- also i wrote a story once called clan of the carebears about me and my fam at the beach . . . i might post it -- tenderheart is the only non-hemp shirt i took to honduras. that's the picture, also i bought a cheap blue hat, although it is not blue hair -- i can not dye my hair blue, although i'm telling you pixie i saw this girl she was very petite had that really delicate fine facial structure and she could pull off bright red with blue streaks -- it was good for her . . . she was also probably at least ten years younger than me . . . i will have to stick to blue hats, red carebears, and a short hair cut . . . spread the love! man i love that carebear.

families are strange, but i always go see my dad when i need to feel not strange though. my dad is this completely stable nerd. really. he's great. because of my dad . . . and earth day, i planted twenty trees on my side of the mountain . . . of course the deforesters are cutting down trees on their side of the mountain faster than mine will grow. i talked to my dad this weekend in fact about getting a hybrid. . . i read him part of the recent article from vanity fair about the greens and how the environmental problems we have now are not going to go away . . . they will for instance, have a direct impact on tommy's kids and mc's beloved manhattan. . . i'm in central virginia, and will be dead and i can't have kids -- so there you go, but anyway, i think my trees will be fine. my dad, when i was a kid he planted over a hundred trees on his land, lob lolly pines sp?, these are great for absorbing co2 because they are evergreens, absorbing it all year, so i told my dad i could go to and have them plant trees to absorb our emissions, but he already did that about fifteen or sixteen years ago, and he was an organic farmer too, people laughed at him at the time, now he's like well i just liked to do it that way. a nerd ahead of his time, and a very uncomplicated man -- he doesn't want a hybrid though, so i'll wait and see what he comes up with as to the best alternative car.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:42 pm
by marky
Bright red hair with blue streaks! That sounds really cool.

Your dad sounds well cool, too. (my friend Paul kept saying "well cool" over and over the other day and I guess it's rubbed off on me) I think it's great that you have such a good relationship with your dad. I'm not sure I really had all that great of a relationship with my dad. But I remember one of the last things he did for me before he died was bought me a computer. I remember how hard he tried to make sure it would be updateable and stuff like that. Little did he know the whole computer industry was about to take off like a lightning bolt and there wasn't much he could do to stay ahead of the curve. I myself didn't have much knowledge of computers then, I guess most people didn't in 1994.

I don't really know that much about care bears as far as which ones are which emotion and stuff like that. My friend gave me a green care bear once, but I don't have it anymore. I think I donated it to charity. It surprises me that there is a "grumpy" one, though.

Pixie called me last night at an ungodly hour (one of the reasons I love her is she calls me at ungodly hours) and she was in the car with her beau, driving back from Chicago I think she said. I was jealous, really cause I think road trips are fucking great. Even though I guess they pollute the atmosphere. I kindof forget sometimes that even though I'm poor and can't travel anywhere, I still could probably pull off a road trip at some point.

Trees are great things. The same friend that gave me the carebear is a complete tree nut. Treehead, I ought to call him. He talks about activists that stay in trees to stop the cutting down, etc. He really wants to do that kind of thing but he's afraid of jail. Like REALLY afraid of jail. There is some famous woman he used to talk about (who's name escapes me) who did that for a long time and wrote a book about it. Can't fuckin' remember her name right now at all. Damn. I do remember though that the tree's name was Luna. (not that I really think trees need names)

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:47 pm
by marky
Speaking of environmentalism, our mayor here in Seattle has started getting together with other mayors across the country to try to reduce auto emissions, try to establish something like the Kyoto Protocol that Bushie refused to sign. The problem is that our mayor is a fucking jerk in all other respects besides that one issue. So kudos to him, but I still think he hates the homeless and I'd like to kick him in the teeth at the same time, etc.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 9:14 pm
by TragicPixie
lmao marky I left you a message to call me back if you didn't want me to call at an ungodly hour so I woudln't so :P

... I'm still grumpy at J. I should wear a grumpy bear t-shirt I guess. Grumpy bear is cute (he's on my blog) but I like lucky bear. Green is just better. Wish bear is a close second though.
The new care bears are really stupid. Perfect Panda? Come on! Pandas are cute but I dunno...

I'm just rambling because well... I don't want to do my homework.

I'm hungry ... buuuuuuuuut because SOMEBODY decided to get bunk pills from some dumb bitch he didn't know at the party last night - I can't afford to get food. Isn't that just lovely.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:19 pm
by marky
Wow, you really post good, Pixie. I like your language.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:22 pm
by marky
No, I really think it's swell that I know someone who is willing to call me at an ungodly hour in a car driving down the highway in the middle of bumfuck, U.S.A. man I think that is great. Seriously.


Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:26 pm
by TragicPixie
It would have been better if we hadn't have gotten lost-ish. I swear to you, the north and south sides of 55 are different. There was totally no lake on the way up there.

Anyway - maybe those pills did do something. My stomach does NOT want real food... and the campus food store is out of diet coke, so I am stuck with cheerios (dry cause my milk expiered last week... it's still in the fridge tho') and orange juice.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 11:30 pm
by TragicPixie
I got shitloads of bracelets last night tho' so after unpacking a little i'm a happy panda. I got a really nifty wrist cuff. *sighs* I wish I made awesome kandi.
and I ran into this kid that I haven't seen in foooorever who was like "woah, you guys come to all the chi-town parties; that's so awesome" and bullshitted with Cousin Joe because we showed up a good two hours before the music. He was impressed with our driving up there.
It was another bowling alley rave - but when they were rigging up the sound they blew a fuse that lit the exit lights so they had to bring the party from the basement to the upstairs on the lanes.