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A tiny bit of Brandy in a glass of water

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:52 am
by marky
That's why it's pub talk.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:06 am
by Tommy Martyn
there should be a story to go with this.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:25 am
by megapulse
okay well then a story.

a tiny bit of gin in a glass of tonic -- several times over makes you drunk and everyone else more attractive.

so we went to this irish pub and the guys there were from wales, i'm like that's not ireland.

anyway, i ordered a gin and tonic with lime, actually my best friend did. i told him it was his manly duty, as he is the hunter and gatherer. i didn't so much cared if he hunted food as gathered some drinks. he didn't so much care about his duty as not want to hear me continue with this line of discussion.

while he was gathering our waitress came; he was not angry because he knows patience is not one of my virtues, however it is one of his.

i took my glasses off. the waitress continued to bring us drinks. i could not see very well, but thought that i was seeing clearly.

this cover band finally started playing some music. it was very generic standard bar music. it was not irish. it was hootie-ish. he said this band is for old folks. i said no it's not. this crowd is not that old.

he looked at me like i was crazy, and said, eat your spinach dip. i tried, but was more interested in my drink and his jokes.

he began discussing whether or not he should grow his hair a bit longer because it is curly then pointed to a guy and said, like his, what do you think of his, at which point i put my glasses back and realized that he was indeed right, the bar was full of old folks. i took my glasses back off and said everything is a bit better blurry. i prefer life that way.

he then told me i liked look a weather girl, and i said, thanks, and that is the official word on my new hair cut. i look like a weather girl. i am pretty sure this is true as he's also the same guy that once told me i looked like a drowned drug addict, he's pretty brutally honest for a bullshitter, which makes him a good best friend. i then decided that my new hair cut is one more reason to leave the glasses off, and his wrinkles were another, which i did not tell him he had, i just told him, i like your hair, which is true.