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Fookin' la, lads

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:56 am
by marky
Here's something someone said on another board but I don't know who they were:
all fookin listen mate if you were fookin actually from fookin anywhere near the fookin mersey la then fookin youd no that the beatles were fookin tops mate fookin tops la fookin fab four innit fookin cant buy me love fookin fixin a hole fookin getter fookin better all the fookin time ya CUNT
And as I said before, as pissed as I am, I never fucking wrote that. I can't take credit for it at all. Which I'm humbled by.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:01 am
by marky
I mean that's genius to rival John Cooper Clarke innit?

Anyway, here's what that album by the Fall called Shift-Work looks like:


Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:02 am
by marky
I mean here they were in the midst of all these new bands that would have whipped their arse, but instead the Fall were actually more than current and relevant in 1991 than one would have thought. Dead brilliant.