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nothing much

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:50 pm
by borgy
...i just wanted to post something here.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:05 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Yes, you can't beat going into a pub and having a quiet beer in peace. My favourite place for this was the Blue Moon in Seattle. For those unfamiliar with the establishment, it is the last of the great Seattle drinking establishments. The toilets haven't been cleaned since the beats stopped off there in the 50's. The walls are lined with beat up old books, so you don't have to bring the reading material with you. A significant percentage of the clientele have nowhere to sleep with a roof or a good reason to visit a dentist. Unusually for Seattle, there are no hipsters.

They have a crazy deaf guy who runs tound the pub if the Mariners score a homer. Anywhere else he would be asked to leave. At the moon he has his own spot at the bar. Tuesday night is Wagner night - how cool is that?

The only thing that used to puzzle me was the fact that most of the beers were micro brews. How can tramps afford a four dollar beer?

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:14 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Look. There is nothing more boring than folks banging on about their kids but....

I was driving along with the dynamic duo strapped down in the back. My daughter started bleating for something she had dropped on the floor. My son pointed this out to me. I answered, as I have thousands of times before, that I do not have a pair of hands that stick out of the back of my head to pick up things with while I am driving. My son (who is four) replied, "Did you used to have some and then when you got married mommy made you put them away?" He then proceeded to laugh his head off. Even my son knows that I'm half the man I used to be. Twat.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:17 pm
by Maverick
That's hilarious.

I thought it was supposed to be "twice the man" you used to be after getting married.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:45 pm
by marky
Yes indeed, that is hilarious. "I'm sorry honey, but these arms in the back of your head just won't do. My parents wouldn't understand."

Was the Blue Moon in the U-District? I'm going to look that up. I've never heard of it.