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I have nice legs for a white woman - apparently.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 6:40 pm
by TragicPixie
So last night - despite being ill (because who gives a shit about health right?) I went out with some friends.
After an interesting few hours spent sitting in Denny's (give me a break - it's St. Louis and we all have somewhere to be at 8 o'clock - it's most preferable if we be there sober) we ended up going to coffee cartel (a 24 hour coffeehouse). While we were sitting around sipping our coffee a rather large tarot reader comes over and randomly starts to talk to us.
First he compliments my legs - and says some strange things about my father. Then he reads for Josh. He was suprisingly dead on - with Josh at least. Eitherway - when he did my reading he kept insisting I tell him my wildest fantasy and bringing up my sex life.
Rather interesting - all in all - it's very creepy to be hit on by large men who claim to psychic; being sober makes it more creepy.

But - I have nice legs for a white woman apparently!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:18 pm
by sara
tragic, you're a damn funny girl -- white legs and all.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 10:36 pm
by TragicPixie
thanks lol