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Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:49 am
by martino
what a stinker! i went to see this new movie with the best intentions. what could go wrong? it was an austrian-british co-production about an artist i like who painted sexy pictures, and it starred john malkovitch.

well, everything went wrong. perhaps the director thought that in portraying an artist who defied conventions, it is a good idea to defy cineastic conventions. so there is no real storytelling, there are no opening shots, and the sound is clinical horror of over-synchronised voices with ever-dominant emotive music. however, instead of replacing conventions with the bold and new, the director uses theatrical clichés -- a shot of blood&sex here, broken glass there, some fistfights and some insanity, and an overdose of flashbacks.

and there is talk, so much talk!, and the talk is boring. is art truth? should art be new? must the artist be insane? the topics are ok but there is nothing original to be found here, nothing witty or even mildly humorous. if you know an odious person who likes to speak through his nose about how Art is Good and Society is Bad: he may well enjoy this movie. but i found it as annoying as hell.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 12:04 pm
by Tommy Martyn
The enjoyment I get from reading this review dulls the disappointment of not being able to come out there this summer and hear you in full flow.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:18 am
by marky
The Martino assessment is indeed quite good and reminds me of the impression I got recently of a very pretentious new album by Scott Walker that everyone on the other board seems to love.