Rules of Atraction

Visual art, party pics, and the like
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Rules of Atraction

Post by mccutcheon »

Rules is the most entertaining flick of the year so far. It’s got it all: sex, drugs, and rock n roll. Some of the scenes are so fucking funny. And my babe of the last 12 months, Shannon Soyssmmon or something is in it! Yeah!

Taken from the Brett Easton Ellis novel it reminds me of Trainspotting with the cool camera work and the way it was taken from a novel and remixed, as Irvine would say. Plus the sound track is a decade old.

When I got my first college apartment I was moving in and these two hot girls were moving out. One of the girls gave me her copy to read. She handed it over with a smile. She said enjoy. I read it and got excited. I thought, school yeah! I got to meet up with her. But I never saw her again and started doing E in French class.