Last night I discovered a drug feeling (almost?) better than MDMA. After taking a couple grams of GHB, about an hour later I railed some nice strong coke. Let me just say that the feeling I experienced for that glorious hour is the CRAZIEST rush I've experienced in a looooong time. And the best part was that it could be sustained by adding a little more of each of the ingredients every once in a while. Just thought you guys might like to know about something that doesn't seem to produce the tolerance of MDMA - you seem like connosseuirs (sp?) of the "chemical enhancements." By the way, I just signed up here, my name's Jason. Citrus is the name of the first rave company whose first party I did NOT go to...whatever siginificance you want to make of that...
I also just found out that you can get legal pro-G chemicals (stuff that turns to GHB once it hits the stomach) off the web ("not for human consumption" of course) Well, off to do some research...
Wow I just re-read my post and realized that I sound like a serious drug fiend. Ah well, it's really not like that - just appreciating the funner things in life
Yeah I have done that before too. Makes you feel all floppy headed because the rails keep you from blacking out from a dose of GHB that would normally put you on the floor for a couple hours. Nice one. Kinda scary though for a while though. Impossible to walk a straight line so don't get pulled over (ha ha).
Also Citrus, relax, I do not consider you a druggy any more than I consider Joe Six Pack a normal human being.