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Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 3:13 pm
by Brett
I have the flu. My partner here at work once asked me what coming off of cocaine binge feels like. I think I am now able to describe it: Imagine a horrible flu, being painfully tired but unable to sleep and gut wrenchingly hungry but unable to eat. Just thinking of it reminds me why I gave that shit up.


Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 3:59 pm
by Sloth
Why binge though? Why not just stick to a gram and dance and listen to music until 4am... and then get a little sleep and wake up late and drink away the next day with delicious fruity beverages at the beach while lying in the sun?

Wow, that reminds me why I have not given it up!

I admit though... if you do that stuff more than once or twice a week then you are gonna end up just like you said... in a world of hurt nasal passages and stmoach cramps.... been there... that's for sure.

Get over the flu... surely we got some drinking to do.


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 1:17 am
by mccutcheon
If you come down you can stay with me. Wouldn't mind going up with the Sloth either.


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 7:39 am
by Brett
My wife is going to Winnipeg with the wee one in November, so I'm going to head down to the cabin on November 13th for a few days. You will have to either come up for some drunken debauchary or I could come down to Seattle for a night. The Captain is calling and wants to be plundered!!!!


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 10:33 am
by <rosemary>
or for a really great night, meet some shananigans and be a little mad , bad and dangerous with rosie. we can go to starbucks and parties and even baby showers. no, really that was a joke for everyone. i would be more than happy to show you a better time than just a couple of silly pubs, like kinBORAS or the summit...try me!
martino tried ,but could not reach i am available on a cell phone. real current type of communication.


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 6:10 am
by <i love xq3>
but tyhe binge is the best part..dont let that die keep on snidffing keep on drinkin''' keep on ohhohhlalalasmoking. and sommetime i want to be with you and all that surrounds us


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 8:48 am
by <roesmary>
hey x blah blah blah...go fuck yourself. it will feel good.
p.s. xtc is a drug experienced in the (90)'s along with special k which i and many have done so much of... so go fuck yourselves and try something new...sobriety or drunkeness or something artistic...ether??? stop wasting my time! i could care less about your stupid k hole or the "x" you took when you decided to get on this great website... don't insult tony's intelligence or my small mind...just fuck off... sincerely and without any care ...rosemary cunt UHLIR


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:51 am
by <xquisid3>
i only have a manyious complaintous to rosemary. who i hope is my lost mate rosie. so fiesty so scrappy. why the change in name? a interesting event has changed you to take this name that was etched in to you beautiful absorbant brain that is now bring tthose suppressed feeoligs you chose to hide because you wanted to be something in a rock videio..when groupies where cool. but that not the point your brief touch int o goth back when people went to church every sunday and prey to dilute thier minds with hope for something you can live your whole life with. so, rosie if i knew wyou anwish i did (its hard to fund cool girls who are firiends and well its jsut damn, they get on my nerves, sooo with this in mind) take off that red lipstick you like to be smeared that which will brinng me to whjy you want to be a rosemary as emo might say classic supressed gotharama of the sensitve energy and thinks that even though the physical part is jsut a tool to bring your inner soul, spirit, electrodes, what ever you are TRIPPING you that whole bs spiritial that you are into wont justify why you love get fucked. ROSEMARYS BABY shower and midnight screening on up in that dark room you have nightmares about. and yes it does feel good when i fuck myself so taht you for your obviously envious curious to know how wet im


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:03 am
by <xquisid3>
opps typus overloadus park autumn in the east and the air is blowing her beuitiful hair jsut slightly that it lookes like black gold...(sorry im dark and texan)
rosie: i would hug yhou every day and kiss your forhead before you dream so you will feel the love that isnt validated by you succoming of your the fact you falsefy love with sex. i think you know it and are scared to ttake it because it will be the only real think that will ease your mind about the fututre and your infinite me and love you


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 11:59 am
by marky
xquisid you are too much. I can't stop laughing. You've turned bad spelling into an art form. How did you spell feelings? Feeoligs? LOL! This is better than mad libs.


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 6:30 pm
by <rabbit>
sounds like rosemary needs an enema


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:11 pm
by <rosemarie amsterdam&g
ok here it goes. i type in rosemary because i can't remember my fucking password. i have never seen rosemary's baby. i never wanted to be in a rock video and i wear a sheer gloss so when i suck cock it tastes good. yes, fucking is fun and i apologize for all the vulgarity or harshness, i was stinking drunk and pissed that i couldn't make complete sense of what i was reading. i also have it in for x33 or whatever your creative name is. i am sure we could settle if i wasn't so irritated by your assumptions. i wasn't assuming you were high and challenged you said and typed it yourself.
i will meet you someday and i think you will be pleasantly surprised at how reasonable i am.
see you next time.


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:17 pm
by <rosemary>
oh and rabbit when i was 10 i watched my grandmother give my great grandmother a coffee enema. she was very ill. it was the grossest thing i seen besides when that man was on fire on 15th.


Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 10:07 pm
by mccutcheon
A coffee e... what does that do to you?


Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 12:05 am
by marky
Hopefully the coffee wasn't hot.