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Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2001 1:53 pm
by Sloth
Jack...If there is marijuana in heaven then I guess he smokes it there because he is dead. I saw him read n Paris a few miles where I sit.

Mc... do you read the posts?

Everyone... Marijuana is nonaddictive and if you are thinking of trying it you should but go easy okay?

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2001 7:36 pm
by mccutcheon
The only way Ryan was a crackhead was if he thinks he was a crackhead. He also told me he was addicted to cough syrup. There is a difference between trying something and sucking the Devil's dick. Enough wimpy nonsense- get on with life you fucking lightweights. You sound like teenage girls who get drunk, puke, cry for mommy and swear they will never drink again only to go off to college and get date raped in a frat house. If anything learn and keep living. yeah?

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2001 7:52 pm
by Jack Chiefton

I was being a sarcastic asshole to Nihlisticfjasld;, I know the Dharma Lion is dead and buried. You saw him read though?


I hear you don't smoke weed anymore, and I would put my money on the table that I could drink your tiny frame under the table bro.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2001 9:39 pm
by mccutcheon
never smoked weed Jack. and no way you could drink me under the table. I live there man.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2001 9:44 pm
by Jack Chiefton
YOu're probably right, I usually lose all of my bets anyways.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 12:53 am
by rforegger
Matt, fuck you, i'll stop there, no wait., ah never mind, I stil like you and all your misdirected bitterness.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 1:25 am
by mccutcheon
Don't take it all so seriously Ryan. You can tell me to fuck off. I don't mind. Sloth is mad at me too. I like the friction. It keeps you from going soft. The last thing I want is people to all agree on everything.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 3:43 am
by rforegger
See i'm sensitive about my drug addictions. It was one of my lowest moments you just touched a nerve. I'd rather you call me a hack writer who can't fuck and shits his pants al the time. cuz that's closer to the truth.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 9:41 am
by Jack Chiefton
Jack is done from this web site. I am selling my (girlfriends) computer, and ridding myself of this nauseating crap of 21st century technological bullshite. To Sloth, I hope you have fun in Europe.

To Ryan, give the wife a big hug, and I'll see you soon, hopefully.

To Aragorn, take it easy bro, you have brought some enlightenment to this site.

To Mc- Lose the attitude man. You may not think that your shit stinks, but believe me, it probably does.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2001 5:58 pm
by mccutcheon
RIP Jack. I will miss you.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2001 1:04 am
by rforegger
Geez Jack, You're probably not reading this but i was going to tell you about all the slavia i smoked last night. I guess I'll go take a nap. Anyways i don't believe you'll never visit this site again because Pax Acidus is a lusty addictive literary drug. You will be having MCCutcheon withdrawls soon, will masterbate perfously, and a dead baby with sloth's head on it will crawl across your ceiling. then you'll know you can't escape the 21st century.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 8:38 am
by mmenabi
what the...

jack's leaving? we haven't seen the last of you, i imagine.

ryan: did you enjoy the salvia? i brought some of it home with me from amsterdam and have mixed opinions on it.

yes, pot is strong. and i've been smoking it all day and now i'm sleeeeeepy.


Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 7:51 pm
by rforegger
Well I got my salvia from a guy who grows it at home. He also imports from Mexico. I was sort of testing his home grown stuff. I got really high and a really warm feeling around my face. The thing is is that he says when he smokes it he taken different universes and matter collects on him. Says it last about a half hour. Was this your experience. This guy doesn't seem to be all there mentally but I smoked it with him and he started behaving as if it was almost like this entity that pulls you in. A strange world of sorts. he also said you can smoke it and smoke it and not really get much but that it sneaks up on you. I guess the Aztecs used it. Let me know if you had any exeriences similar to his.

Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2001 9:59 pm
by myxilplyc
> he also said you can smoke it and smoke it
> and not really get much but that it sneaks
> up on you.

We call that "creeper" down here in the mighty Lone Star State.


Weed (marijuana)

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2001 11:06 pm
by mmenabi
the first time i tried it was in my hotel room in amsterdam with my boyfriend, chris. he smoked a little, layed back on the bed with his eyes closed for a minute, opened his eyes and looked at me and said, "hello. where am i?" eventually he came around and said, "am i in a hotel room? i smoked something, didn't i?" then, I was curious and smoked a little and laughed uncontrollably for about five minutes. about a month later, at home, i smoked it with about five others, and i was the last to smoke it. my friend heather went to pee before she smoked it, as she was afraid it would make her lose control of her bodily functions. i did the same because i am paranoid about these things, even though i was sure it would never happen. i smoked some from a bong. next thing i know i'm laying on the ground and look around at everyone and thinking, "so i've finally joined the secret club." then panic, as i had no idea if i was stuck like that forever. my body felt slightly wooden, and everyone looked like their faces were being pulled up by strings attached to the middle of their eyebrows and the corner of their mouths, and it felt like the skin on my forehead was peeling up and off my skull (not painfully, though). then i looked around and saw what looked like the general shape of everyone's "manipulated" faces everywhere in a repeated pattern, kind of slightly sinister smilies everywhere, and i felt like a force to my left was pulling me in that direction. when i was finally able to sit up and get up to my feet i went to the bathroom to find that i had wet myself a little. damn that heather! i blame it on her! about a week later my boyfriend decided to smoke a bit more of it, as there was some leftover. those damn sinister smilies showed up again and i decided then that salvia is just not my cup of tea. that is not to say i will not smoke it again ever. someday, if its around and being smoked i might smoke it again and then decide again that i don't like it. i'm glad i did smoke it, though. my favorite part about it was after we all came down and were sharing our own stories about it. cheers~nabi