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White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 2:28 am
by marky
Hey Spike, man, not trying to discount your Maroon 5 post, I'm gonna go back and check it out here in just a sec but there's some late breaking news here of immense Seattleite importance: Rolling Stone has confirmed that Jack White's broken finger will not affect their September tour dates which include the Seattle Seahawks "Stadium Exhibition Center" Tues. Sept. 16th and most importantly...


Just wanted to make sure everyone who would care to know, knew.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 4:31 pm
by Sloth
I am hungover and my eye is all puffy and I can't remember bumping into anything. When I woke up I had all my clothes on plus some of Tommy's clothes as well. My bed is covered in popcorn and it is all I can do not to puke.

I remember being obnoxious and rude last night and eating cookies that didn't belong to me and inviting myself to hang out with people who obviously didn't want me around and feeling upset about it.

After a quick shag that didn't make me feel any less hungover I got out of bed and took some ibuprofin and drank a Mountain Dew because I was too sick in my stomach to drink coffee.

Next I check my email like I always do first thing in the morning in case someone wants to publish anything I wrote.

I get 2 emails, one is from some asshole who doesn't speak english and wants to see pictures of me naked. The other one is from Mark who reminds me to buy White Stripes tickets and he also to say that I am "a beautiful and quiet person".

That's the nicest think anyone ever said to me, thanks. I feel better already. See you at the show, mate.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 5:21 pm
by Sloth
You purchased 2 tickets to:
The White Stripes
Seahawks Exhibition Center, Seattle, WA
Tuesday September 16, 2003 7:00 pm
Seat location: section GA
Total Charge: $81.55

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 5:35 pm
by Sloth
I think I smell a rat!

Even though I am a beautiful and quiet person, I feel like punching Lars Ulrich (the Danish ex-tennis pro turned millionaire Metallica drummer turned RIAA spokesidiot) who says swapping MP3's should be illegal when it costs $82 for two people to go hear two people play their instruments for a couple hours in a stadium it cost us 400 million dollars of my city's money to build.

If they sell 12,000 tickets then they will make half a million bucks in one night not counting t-shirts and cokes.

The only thing that makes me feel better is I have every single Stripes album on my computer (and a backup in case of hard disk failure) and I didn't pay a fucking thing for them and I have been listening to them every day for about 2 years. Take that Lars, you talentless drummer, and your band of aging meat-head balladeers too.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 8:12 pm
by Sloth
Marijuana is the best cure for a hangover ever created by God.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:16 am
by marky
Cheers, Sloth. I got my ticket too.

Heaven knows where I'm located in the huge place, but I did get a ticket this morning...

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:54 pm
by Sloth
It seems to be general seating... I wonder if the $7.50 per head "convenience charge" is insurance against trampling.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 5:13 pm
by mccutcheon
I have all the White Stripes albums on vinyl, which I bought at independent record stores, and don't think I can afford to go to the show.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 6:47 pm
by Sloth
I knew when they shut down Napster they were cutting their own throats.

I piss on the graves of the record company execs. I know too many great small bands that never got a chance and too many shit bands that got millions upon millions and too many execs with Hollywood Hills palaces.

The CD as a format is why sales are slipping. Kids today want instant digital sound satisfaction and sales on I-Tunes at Apple (million downloads the first week) proves me right.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 8:13 pm
by h.
Hey Mc, where's my White Stripes you were going to record for me anyway???? And I still have the basketball so you need to grab it before or on Tuesday.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 11:51 pm
by marky
Just wanted to mention about Lars Ulrich, I recall around the time they were trying to shut Napster down, he was asked if he had ever used Napster himself, if he had any idea how it even worked. He didn't. Well at that time I wasn't familiar with the technology either, but I just thought that was kind of stupid that he was going to all this trouble to shut it down and yet he didn't even know anything about it himself. Certainly there's the morality side of it, which after a certain point is I think, indisputable, but I just resent the fact that the record companies aren't even willing to let you hear one complete song by a band you haven't heard before.

I mean in the old days, that's how it was, right? You heard an entire song on the radio and you decided based on that or perhaps another single or two, whether to buy the record. People even made tapes off the radio, and made copies of records on tape for each other and though the industry freaked out at first, there was actually little affect on record sales and no one was sued for taping things. Now, in many cases on the web, (although some indies have bucked the trend), you're only allowed 30 bleedin' seconds of a track. That's not even a complete track as the artist intended it to be - that's not a complete piece of art. It's a sample. I can't tell from a 30 second clip if I really want to buy something or not! I've tried and tried, and I just can't. 30 seconds really doesn't tell me much of anything.

Now if you'll excuse me I've got some rare old vinyl to burn to CD that will never be available for sale on CD to save its poor life.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 1:49 pm
by Brett
Mr White is having surgery on his broken finger and is cancelling all his September tour dates. I heard this on the radio on the drive to work, ofcourse it's Canadian radio so it's probably all lies and proaganda. Fucking Canadian pinko scum.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 5:01 pm
by Sloth
Mark, I'm glad to hear you're record pirating scum as well.

Brett, if Jack cancels the Seattle dates I am holding Canada personally responsible.

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 11:49 pm
by rabbit
speaking of being pirates, do you have elephant uploaded somewhere i could grab it?

White Stripes play Seahawks Stadium!

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2003 4:14 pm
by Sloth
Im on the mf