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Masturbate for your health!!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 8:48 pm
by Myke115
This will make many men happy ...

Masturbating Lowers Prostate Cancer Risk - Study
Wed July 16, 2003 03:25 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Frequent masturbation, particularly in the 20s, helps prevent prostate cancer later in life, according to new research.

Australian scientists have shown that the more men masturbate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop the disease that kills more than half a million men each year.

They suspect that frequent ejaculation has a protective effect against the cancer because it prevents dangerous carcinogens from building up in the gland.

"The more you flush the ducts out, the less there is to hang around and damage the cells that line them," Graham Giles, of the Cancer Council Victoria in Melbourne, told New Scientist magazine on Wednesday.

In a survey of 1,079 prostate cancer patients and 1,259 healthy men, Giles and his team discovered that men who ejaculated more than five times a week in their 20s were a third less likely to develop an aggressive form of the disease.

The findings contradict previous studies which suggested that having a variety of partners or frequent sexual activity could increase the risk of prostate cancer by 40 percent.

But Giles said the earlier research concentrated on intercourse, whereas his study focused on masturbation. Infections caused by sexual activity could account for the different findings.

"Men have many ways of using their prostate which don't involve women or other men," he added.


Masturbate for your health!!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:26 pm
by rabbit
now i dont feel so bad about my 5-times a day habit.

Masturbate for your health!!

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:58 pm
by xquisid3
lets elaborate on this statement.
"Men have many ways of using their prostate which don't involve women or other men," he added.

maybe a puppet show..lets dress them up and watch them perform. it could be the amazing pax dick show. mav, your a movie star- lets get the balls rolling.

Masturbate for your health!!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 12:22 am
by Maverick
This is great, but why is it limited to beating off? Can't having lots of sex do the same thing? Of course it can! And shouldn't the women in our lives do the best they can to keep us men healthy? Oh yes, please!

Masturbate for your health!!

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 12:23 am
by Maverick
God dan Mav has been using my computer to past on Pax Acidus. I'm really McCutcheon!

Masturbate for your health!!

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 12:25 am
by Maverick
HAAHAA HAA! disarray!

And to Xsqsid, I say, watch for a troupe of performance artists called the penis puppeteers or something. They really exist, saw an ad in t he Seattle Weekly.

What if celebrities tatrted doing this? now THAT would sell tickets! "See Tom Cruise make a sailboat with his scrotum" Watch as Brad Pitt and his penis re-create the iceberg scene from Titanic..."

Masturbate for your health!!

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:25 am
by marky
Masturbating lowers prostate cancer risk...ha ha...that's funny.