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Really Bad 80's Music

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:09 pm
by marky
I was subjected to a horrible experience at the grocery store. They played Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach" and Mr. Mister's "Broken Wings" and I wanted to die rather than hearing that shite.

Maybe many years ago I thought those were good songs, but all the time I'd been walking to the store I was thinking of Sex Pistols "Bodies" for some reason - I don't know why cause I haven't played it in several weeks but it's all about abortion, etc. so I kept hearing that song in my head and thinking about the insane lyrics and then fucking Madonna "Papa Don't Preach" that is BAD 80's MUSIC OKAY? BAAAAAAAD. And then the damn Broken Wings, god that is bad 80's music too. Sheesh get me outta there.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:11 pm
by megapulse
i was subjected to a really strange musical experience. maybe others have been through this too

yesterday the hubby and i were having lunch in a chinese place, and i was pretty much ignoring the music. then he looked at me with his face a bit scrunched up and said, "what is this?" which is a really broad question for an american to ask in a chinese place, but somehow i knew he was not talking about the meat he was eating, i said, "it's air supply. . . sung in japanese? chinese? i don't know, not being sung by air supply) we debated the langauge, and i would have just assumed it was being sung in chinese and left it at that in that we were in a chinese place, but then the next song was "stand by me" -- in english, the original, so . . . ? weird.

(once when i was in my grocery store they played richard ashcroft and i thought, this can't be good for his career -- i've often wondered who makes the grocery store sound tracks)

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 7:31 pm
by marky
Oh god, that's like...taking Air Supply to an even lower level, I think. Richard Ashcroft in a grocery store? That's pretty impressive. I didn't know until recently he had a new album out this year.

The health food grocery store I go always plays really cool 80's music. I heard the Replacements' "I Will Dare" in there last night. Couldn't believe it.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:13 pm
by megapulse
i've heard shania twain in the same grocery store . . . not impressive. although i admit it -- i own a shania twain album. i guess the grocery store music makers have eclectic taste.

did paul westerberg sing for the replacements? he's got dyslexic taste, no wait, a dyslexic heart . .

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:56 pm
by marky
Actually I'm going to have to admit to owning (briefly) a Shania Twain album myself. There was one song she did called "I'm Gonna Get You" that really flipped my wig but I couldn't stand a whole album of her.

Paul Westerberg did (and now...does) sing for the Replacements. I actually just listened last night to the two brand new tracks they recorded since reforming. The tracks were a real disappointment, mainly because the band have the same major label, overbloated production they did just before they broke up. The contrast with Westerberg's fantastic, simply produced rocker of a solo album some years back is striking. That one sounded more like White Stripes as far as production. It was called "Mono" but you can only get it as a bonus CD if you buy his album called "Stereo". All of this is of course WAY more than anyone here wanted to know. I'm just mainly saying damnit, if Westerberg's proved he can do what he's best at WITHOUT the Replacements, why can't he do it WITH them?