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Tears For Fears - "Songs From The Big Chair" 1985

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 6:58 am
by marky
Okay so I can't get a picture of the damn album right now.
You know the one I mean. It has "Shout", "Everybody Wants To Rule The Wold" and "Head Over Heels" on it.

The reason I mention it is, my coworker plays this bland radio station all day that just reminds me that I've long felt that no matter how many times I hear "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" on the radio, or "Head Over Heels" for that matter, some deep part of me never tires of them, infact never has tired of them since they were first released. I find it really hard to explain this actually. It's like it defies nature. Every other song you ever heard on the radio X number of times that drove you insane and you couldn't stand to hear it anymore, somehow those two songs defied that pattern for me. It's like you're suddenly in the garden of eden and you're looking at a waterfall that's flowing upwards. It makes no sense. No, I never tire of those songs.

Now "Shout" is another story because I was fucking nuts about that when it first came out. I played it about 400 times over and over. But after that, it lost its magic for me. Now I just think it's okay, nothing all that special. But at the time I first heard it I mean I was OBSESSED. "Shout...shout...let it all out" I'm surprised I didn't wear out my cassette because I rewound that thing a ridiculous number of times.

The only other album I can think of from that period that seems to have survived the years and bad dated 80's synths/drums to still sound great today is Scritti Politti's classic album "Cupid & Psyche '85". Another anomaly of nature. Another thing I thought sure would die in the cheesy 80's bubblegum of adolescence but instead miraculously transcends its time.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:01 am
by marky
The reason I'm posting all this crap is because the other goddman board is down and it's pissing me off to no end because all I wanted to do originally was talk about shoegazing band Curve, I was dying to talk to people who knew that band but NO NO NO NO NO because MERCURY IS IN RETROGRADE UNTIL 5:30 AM. And everyone knows that the retrograde crap is the worst right before it goes direct again.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:57 am
by TragicPixie
lol ... sorry that amused me.

but I do like "everybody wants to rule the world" and I think I have that album somewhere around ...

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:14 am
by marky
Well, god bless you Pixie. I don't know what else to say at this point though everyone knows I don't bloody believe in god etc etc.

Can't I just sound like a stereotypical American for no reason after a few beers?

The trip to the store was excRUCIATING. These guys behind me kept singing that song "Stand By Me" in the store because it was playing and I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE it when people start singing in public like that I hATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE it when people sing on the bus. Okay enough of that. The theme is calm and buddhist quiet here.

Libra like, you know Pixie. We've got to meditate or something. Peace. And NOT kill the irritating frat (fart) boys behind us in line at the store who keep singing stupid songs just to show off.

Although the encounter I had with stupidity today that I mentioned on the other thread was actually far more seriously irritating than a bunch of guys singing a song behind me. Much worse than that.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:18 am
by TragicPixie
haha... sounds like my night at the desk last night. Nana (no, I'm not making fun - that really is his name) was singing some stupid song. Now, I admit I don't know what rap/pop/whatever song it was I just know it's one on the radio but ... drunken loud singing at 3am on a Thursday night/Friday morning really just ... is annoying.
I mean, I was in a chill and upset with J mood and just wanted to listen to Carole King and do my damn homework. Geeze.

I'm grumpy. I need more alcohol.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:40 am
by marky
Bahahahaha! That is correct.

Now let me ask you this.

Do you (or does anyone reading this) remember a song that was real popular in the charts and all 10 years ago in 1996 and it was by a total one-hit-wonder named Donna Lewis and it was called "I Love You Always Forever". Do you remember that???

You see I used to hear it all the time at the gym back then. And I didn't like it really. But something about it stuck with me. So like if I hear it in a store now I kindof listen a bit. So then I read about her and apparently she came from Wales BIG SURPRISE MARKY LIKES SOME OTHER PIECE OF MUSIC FROM THE UK BIG FUCKING NEWS. etc etc anyway so I downloaded it and it doesn't sound like I remember it. It actually sounds better than I remember it. I wonder if it's a different version or if it was just that the gym used to play it so low that you couldn't really hear it properly.

But if someone told me they hated that song, I wouldn't blame them. It really is chart tripe in a certain sense, very overproduced, and I felt that way at the time.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:54 pm
by Tommy Martyn
"chart tripe" What a fucking genius phrase. Marky if nothing else happens today, the day has not been wasted.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:55 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Should we do the, "Mercury wasn't in retrograde he was in queen," gag now?

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:33 am
by TragicPixie
I do remember that I think... I think I have it on MP3 on my old pc (thank you napster for songs you don't want to pay for but get stuck in your head anyway). I think the song is too sugary sweet and thus it kinda makes me want to vomit ... but that's cause when you get right down to it I'm a bitter girl and much better suited to the dresden dolls.

However yeah, it's an okay song I suppose, but I remember at the time I thought the song was sung by Lisa Loebe (maybe I mispelled that) ... but she's the one who sings "stay" and the do-you-sleep-anymore song ... which were popular around the same time.
On the subject of her though: not all of her work is bad, I just tend to dislike the songs of hers on the radio. I do think though that much of her work falls under some interesting girl culture ... particularly "Furiose Rose" and "She's Falling Apart"

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:01 pm
by marky
hahaAHAHA Tommy!

Pixie I can't tell whether the last part of your post is about Lisa Loebe or Donna Lewis.

Lisa Loebe's songs used to get on my nerves. But for some reason I think her hits were further back than 1996. Let's see...when did Reality Bites come out? Didn't she do the theme song for that? Okay a websearch says it came out in 1994. Hmm. Well maybe she was still having hits by 1996 I don't know. Of course all this really matters, I mean this is incredibly important stuff, here. The fate of the world depends on this.

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:38 pm
by TragicPixie
she was having some hits back then: but I always think donna lewis was just trying to be her.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:56 am
by Tommy Martyn
Don't know if anyone on here used to read the very excellent "Spy" magazine. They ripped on "Lisa Loeb and her one song." If memory serves me well (and after all the bleach I put away that's a tall order) she was a neighbour of Ethan Hawke and he was instrumental in getting here the necessary leg up.

I've just gone all nostalgic for dear old "Spy"

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:04 am
by Tommy Martyn
If you go to the wikipedia entry for spy magazine you can see on old photograph of the current governor of california with his cock out.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:47 am
by marky

Do I need to go to the store for MORE alcohol!? No I don't! I have no business drinking more alcohol for jesus' sake.

In the meantime I'm playing this Tears For Fears album, I mean I really am playing this thing.

But I know I need more beer. Alas, I need more beer. It's a Shakespearean tradgedy of gross proportions, let me tell you. To be out of beer, or NOT to be out of beer. Jesus.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:50 am
by marky
"Darling, the first time I knew
that you were for me and I was for you
was when I ran out of beer...
there was no more good cheer
sometimes in the woods you see deer
But that isn't important"

So what do you think Tommy, am I getting
the hang of poetry yet?