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Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:46 pm
by Sloth
Marky, Martino left the board or else he is silently lurking. I think he got pissed off when no one came to Germany for the cup. Actually that pissed me off as well. It was a huge blow to my year (and no we're not talking blow job).

Mc... so you at least owe us a story about your parents anniversary. You know I think our parents got married on the like exact same day. They wanted me to come celebrate their 40th... and I said 'No way. I'm not coming to America just for that". And then they went on a tour of all the National Parks and probbaly had a great time. Your parents could have done the same shit and now we would have Martino and some good memories and possibly even blow jobs.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:09 am
by marky
Anyway, thanks much for your post Sloth. I got so fucking drunk that I forgot to say thanks for your post. But I've done it now, so I'm at peace.

I've been through quite a lot since I came here last. I've even heard Tapes n Tapes now. They weren't too bad, actually.

It's a good thing I don't have your fookin' phone numbah, Sloth, as I'd likely be stupid and make international calls about now.

I got drunker than I was supposed to for a Sunday night. I'm afraid of the hangover at work, but never mind.

It's all I can do to not say the words "Kate Bush". I found another guy online who's favourite album of hers is the same as my favourite album of hers "The Dreaming". She was really going for something different with that album, very groundbreaking. But I can see why most folks might not like it. I think that was from 1983.

Sloth, I just want you to know, that no matter how many times I get drunk and mention God that you and I both know I don't believe in God, okay? No matter how drunk I get, please know that I really don't believe in God at all. I need you to remember that when I get drunk and lose control. Please. I mean it okay? I treasure your friendship.

Love, Mark.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:25 am
by marky
For the atheist, she's a queen of kings, a king of queens, Kate Bush.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 4:21 am
by Sloth
I don't believe in God either, except when I need something from her.

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 9:09 pm
by marky
Sounds about right, mate! Can I buy you a beer? Oops we're not in the pub are we? That's pub talk. Never mind. Please continue...

Posted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:27 pm
by megapulse
"I don't believe in God either, except when I need something from her."

Tom Waits does, but thinks he's away on business.

has anyone seen the enron documentary that the tom waits song closes? it is very fitting:

I'd sell your heart to the junkman baby
For a buck, for a buck
If you're looking for someone
To pull you out of that ditch
You're out of luck, you're out of luck

The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
The ship is sinking
There's leak, there's leak,
In the boiler room
The poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones that we kept in charge?
Killers, thieves, and lawyers

God's away, God's away,
God's away on Business. Business.
God's away, God's away,
God's away on Business. Business . . .

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:30 am
by marky
Hi Sarah. I stayed home from work today because I was going to go to two job interviews but I cancelled the second one (for nothing about it made me want to work for them, I swear, they gave off bad vibes in more way than one) and stayed home and got drunk instead. The first job interview I had though, the guy was sooooo stupid. I mean that guy was fucking DUMB and I'm thinking "you're supposed to be further along than I am! You're a CPA!" What a fucking duncehead STOOOPID. He's asking me what classes I took in school, I mean not even what classes I *LIKED* in school, but he wants to know what classes. I'm like Jesus bloody christ mate you have a fucking B.S. in Accounting like me. What the hell classes do you think I took?

He looks at my resume and he can't even get it right how many years I've been working at my current job even though the month and year I started there are right before his eyes.

And he can't even read my resume right, you know the fucker can't even read a piece of paper right in front of him, just so fucking stupid. Sometimes stupid people just make me want to kill myself. I'm serious. I mean here I was, I made all this time and trouble to get dressed and drive all the way over the bridge to see him and bother about the bloody parking lot which I couldn't understand how to pay for at all, and this guy is as dumb as a fencepost. Fuck them all. I'm sick of this job hunting shit.

I'm playing Joy Division right now and no one can stop me. Unknown Pleasures. And I have a headache.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:23 am
by Sloth
Don't complain I have a job interview in Swedish on Tuesday.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 4:38 am
by marky
Well good luck to you, Sloth!

(But I'm still going to complain! Hahaha.)

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 12:18 pm
by Sloth
I read an article about the kaisers in NME... and basically all the new bands are slagging them off and saying they suck.

I will be interesting to see what the new album is like.

But honestly I am more interested in downloading the new Kasabian album Empire.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 10:45 pm
by megapulse
yes good luck to any sloth who wants to work, especially in a language that is not his own. that's a whole lot of work for a sloth.

"I stayed home from work today because I was going to go to two job interviews but I cancelled the second one (for nothing about it made me want to work for them, I swear, they gave off bad vibes in more way than one) and stayed home and got drunk instead"

good for you, mark. i am the wrong person to tell these things too. really usually i just encourage staying home and getting drunk. i used to have a friend who'd stay home and get high all the time. i mean, he just did not want to join in the rat race game, he was like, no way. i admired that about him. the hubby thought i was crazy. (he's a teacher now -- at the time he was an out of work musician.)

but i've had those really terrible job interviews though like you're describing. really when you are like, i've got so much to offer and you don't. it's very disappointing. i've had some weird ones. one the guy told me i could live with his wife and him, which i found to be incredibly creepy . . . and i'm a southerner who believes in hospitality, but that was too much for even me. this was out in the middle of nowhere, close to virginia beach but not close enough to commute. terrible nasty little rinky dink town, and i'm riding around it with the headmaster of this school while he's telling me about duck hunting and the spare bedroom. i did not take the job. i can't remember if i celebrated not taking the job by getting drunk.

i'm sorry your interview sucked.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 3:51 am
by marky
Yeah, well, Sarah it was nothing compared to the job interview I had yesterday, which I found more upsetting than any I'd had since the very first one I had way back almost a year ago. Yesterday I got asked what I would do if I was on a sailboat and a bowling ball fell off it and into the water and the task was to find out how far it fell to the ocean floor or whatever the hell he asked me. Now I've had some physics classes, so I tried three times and came up with pretty good guesses, but you know in the end, even if he said there was no right or wrong answer I just got the feeling he was a real arrogant man's man type of guy who just wanted to throw his weight around. I mean what the hell relevance would a question like that have to an accounting job? There were other things that bothered me about him as well. But I couldn't say he was stupid. He didn't seem stupid. So I couldn't blame it on that for once. No, he was just an arsehole. I'm just about at my wit's end about this whole job search thing. I'm past the point of taking it personally when I get rejected, it's more that I'm just sick of repeating the whole process like a hamster in a wheel. It's like watching the same rerun TV show over and over or something. The repetition is what kills you. I'm tired of the same questions, I'm tired of answering them, I'm tired of applying to more jobs, being on the phone, writing down more people's names and telephone numbers. I have no problem getting interviews, my resume and cover letter are fine. But after that...something goes wrong that I can't quite figure out yet.

Anyway I'm sorry to blab all about it here and everything, but this is a pretty big fucking transition in my life, here. I've worked my arse off for 4 years for this. What did it all amount to? Nothing? Definitely having a bit of an identity crisis thing right now. Nothing I can't handle, but still. I know I'm lucky to be able to continue doing this and still keep my damn job (my supervisor wouldn't even dream of firing me, though she knows why I'm taking time off work). But I am pretty fed up right now.

Maybe I should have put this over in the Marky's rants section, but it's not musical, either, so...

Kasabian I'm not convinced about either, I'm afraid. My friend in Glasgow said he was totally amazed at the their new single and advised me to check out the video of it that appears on their website. I did so, but it took forever to load and even when it did I could only hear a bit of it, so perhaps I'm prejudiced, but alas the earth did not move beneath my feet. I concede it was a pretty controversial video though of war and a child dying as a soldier in it or something like that.

Look I really really do WANT to like these newer Brit bands, you have no idea how much I want to like them. But it just doesn't seem to happen anymore. I can't fucking help that. If I have to blame anything, I'll blame production values. Things just aren't produced the same way they used to be in a lot of cases, and I really don't mean Martin Hannett by that either. There are a lot of US indie bands around that still have that stripped down post-punk kind of sound, though. But then they aren't always necessarily great bands either.

Anyway, my friend Paul told me he has some kind of live video of Kaiser Chiefs if I wanted to borrow it to watch it. I think that's what he said. A video of them of some kind anyway. So maybe I'll do that out of sheer laziness and not wanting to download anything.


Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:51 pm
by megapulse
"Anyway I'm sorry to blab all about it here and everything"

i don't mind. i have to require that people stay on topic and spell things correctly for my job . . . like we already decided, that's boring, so why would i want to require it of people i talk to for fun?

"but this is a pretty big fucking transition in my life, here. I've worked my arse off for 4 years for this. What did it all amount to? Nothing? Definitely having a bit of an identity crisis thing right now."

i'm sorry. i gave you a hard time about becoming a cpa and your reasons for it, etc. i feel bad now. if that is really how you define yourself, who you are, then i hope you do find a job in that field. if not, i don't know it may be a blessing in disguise.

the hubby went to school and studied sociology and criminal justice . . . he was all about getting on track to join the cia, no joke, he enlisted for seals etc. then i was like you know what, i'll marry you. and everything changed. he got out of the military, he became a firefighter, the way he sees himself changed. just last night i told him because he's always coming to these crossroads where folks offer him jobs for more money and he manages to turn them down b/c of his new identity, which is dad first and firefighter second (husband is somewhere in there too but right now dad is really big), so what is important to him is that he has time for his son and for me; just last night i told him, honey, i'm so proud of you.

i guess the point is sometimes you think you want to be a something, and then you realize that isn't at all you.

i think being true to yourself is all you can do and it'll work out.

btw i had no idea it was so hard to get a job as a cpa -- could you be somehow sabotaging the interviews without realizing it, like subconsciously it's not what you want so you're screwing it up for yourself?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:47 am
by marky
I don't know because to be honest I haven't been applying to very many public accounting jobs in the first place. I am more attracted to private accounting. That means you stick with one company and becoming a CPA may or may not be important.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:59 am
by marky
Okay I know, I know but this is the Kaiser Chiefs thread. Okay. I will ask my friend Paul to lend me his Kaiser Cheifs video. He owes me anyway because he is borrowing my Runaways video at the moment.

I can already feel a horrible hangover coming on.