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Ray Manzarek: I <heart> hallucinogens

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:29 am
by Laughing Armadillo
File this one under O for Obviously.

Rocker advice off the planet

"AUTHORITIES have blasted a legendary rocker who advocates the use of psychedelic drugs."

Yeah, that's what authorities do... it's their only job, really.

"Ray Manzarek, 60, touring with rock act The Doors of the 21st Century in February, says critics of the drug culture have it wrong.

He criticised heroin, cocaine and crystal meth, but Manzarek admitted a soft spot for ecstasy and supports using psychedelics."

But.. but... but, doesn't that make Manzarek a critic of the so-called drug culture, too?

"Back in the 1960s, drug culture was consciousness expansion," Manzarek said.

That explains the plethora of SPEED KILLS stickers I remember from my childhood.

"Ecstasy - I've never taken it - but it gives you a nice high and you feel warm and loving towards your fellow man. Well, that's the point of it: opening the doors of perception.

"You also do that through psychedelics. You cannot do that through crystal meth or strange, crystalline white powders. Crystal meth is the worst drug you could possibly take."

I don't know how true this statement is. While I've known some really trashy meth folk, they weren't exactly a bunch of Aldus Huxley's before they got started on crank, either. It didn't seem to do much for their teeth, though.

"So, my advice? Take psychedelics. Why not?"

Finally, a point of total agreement.

"There are mushrooms growing, LSD was created by a doctor."

Crazy talk. There are a lot of things "growing" - most of which I wouldn't put in my mouth and more than a few of them are fatal.

In contemporary society, few professions are as repulsive as today's motherfucking doctors, who generally display significant interest in serving the agenda of the DEA, Wal-Mart, Big Pharm and The Bank of America rather than patients. Fuck 'em with a scalpel.

"Psychedelics are what you should take. They will open the doors to perception and you will see things as they are -- infinite."

Whew, for a second there, I was getting worried about Ray.

But Australian Drug Foundation CEO Bill Stronach said Manzarek was talking nonsense and sending a dangerous message.

It's a dangerous message, alright. Because it cuts into consensus reality, which is about as erroneous as fat free cheese.

"Taking any drug has risks and clearly with LSD and hallucinogens there are significant risks attached," he said.

"It's a dangerous message if people take it on board and act on it. They could place themselves in serious risk."

Well, by all means, we can't have people taking risks. Unless they're all in Humvees with canvas doors.

He said the best thing for parents wary of their children taking drugs was to talk about it.

On this point I agree. Because if Mom & Dad say it ain't cool... you know the routine. It has always been so.

"They need to be prepared to talk about the issue of drug use openly and be able to make their children aware of the serious risks associated with drug use."

Hmmmm, more with the risk-talk. What ARE the risks, Mr. Stronach? Or do you know, you ignorant asshole? This is the kinda guy who needs his martini dosed.

National Drug and Alcohol Research Council info manager Paul Dillon said Manzarek's advice was misguided.

"There is a perception that naturally occurring hallucinogens like mushrooms are not problematic," Mr Dillon said. "The reality is naturally occurring drugs can be more potent for some people."

Let's hope so! Please, God, let me be one of those people.

"And to say LSD is OK because a doctor invented it is bizarre."

Isn't it, though? I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels antipathy towards doctors.

The Doors of the 21st Century will perform at the Myer Music Bowl on February 26.

I just knew Axl Rose would find his way into the light, didn't you?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:45 pm
by Sloth
Poor Ray.

I hate it when people describe the subtle qualities of drugs and then say, "But I never took it." Wha?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 3:59 pm
by Laughing Armadillo
And it begs the question, "Well, why the fuck haven't you taken it?"

Sometimes I think everyone should die young.

Except me.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:17 pm
by Sloth
I think Dennis Miller is someone who comes to mind as the ultimate embodiment of evil. He was never embraced by the left so he turned to the right.

He should be the next President of the USA. Give the people what they want. And John McEnroe should be the VP.

Both of them have indescribably bad talk shows and egos that would make Satan blush.

Mel Gibson doesn't have a talk show yet... but he can still be the Secretary of Defense, of course.

Me, in 2008, I'm going to be voting for Sven Svensson for President and Pickled Herring for VP.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:45 pm
by Laughing Armadillo
I'd get fat as a goddamn house in Sweden... kinda like when I lived in Alaska during the '80s. On the other hand, a diet of pickled herring would likely deter obesity. The Swedes I've met online all seem very intelligent, so I'd have to get used to being the village idiot over there. No problem. Definitely a better fate than being the town poindexter in god-fearing Podunkville.

Dennis Miller must have an insatiable desire to be hated. I'm delighted he finally achieved The Dream. I'd pay to see Young Dennis Miller in a cage match knife fight with Old Dennis Miller.

Mel Gibson. Holy fuck, is that knuckle-dragger gettin' stranger all the time. I never like the guy and hated most of his films, but he seems to have devolved into that character he played in Conspiracy Theory, all twitchy and shifty-eyed and incessantly rambling. Granted, he'd make a fine Secretary of Defense and no doubt America would love to have him in that capacity, but personally I think he'd make a better Pope.

Speaking of Mel, here's a nice project for Pax Acidus... let's all get together and create our own subtitles for Passion of the Christ. Something tells me it would be a smash On The Internet. I know, I know... it's not really feasible at this point. But won't it be swell when bandwidth is as cheap as human life?

"when bandwith is as cheap as human life"

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:19 pm
by Maverick
That is the most thought provoking phrase I've heard on here in a while. Thanks for giving me something to ponder Armadillo

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:32 pm
by Laughing Armadillo

Aw shucks, maverick, de nada.

Even a broken clock's right twice a day. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 2:19 pm
by sara
"so I'd have to get used to being the village idiot over there. No problem. Definitely a better fate than being the town poindexter in god-fearing Podunkville"

that's a real shame. I kind of thought someone like you could contribute a lot to Podunkville -- which is precisely the problem that Chomsky points out -- those who have the knowledge do not share it with those who do not -- I don't know maybe all the smarty pants are chicken -- or just selfish, not sure which one it is. I mean it is super easy to sing to the choir, is it not?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:09 pm
by Laughing Armadillo
that's a real shame. I kind of thought someone like you could contribute a lot to Podunkville
Sure could!
-- which is precisely the problem that Chomsky points out -- those who have the knowledge do not share it with those who do not --I don't know maybe all the smarty pants are chicken -- or just selfish, not sure which one it is.
I've always made an effort to affect some measure of change among individuals; an effort occasionally met with success (and don't think I didn't relish it). I've also remained open to being changed by others. Which one of those depends on a bigger chickenhead?

My community is as small, cloistered and xenophobic as a community in Texas gets. My neighbors understandably view me with a great deal of suspicion (I've been here less than a decade) and with more than a little contempt because I'm not "like" them and they can smell the distinction from a country mile. My freak flag isn't all that large or colorful. It's something they see in my eyes, just as I see the fear in theirs.

I don't mind ostracism - I'm an introvert by nature - but the social dynamic to which Chomsky refers ignores a major consideration in my case and, I suspect, many others. That factor is Fascist America's increasing reliance on using the justice system to "protect" them from those they perceive as dangerous. That would be me. Their particular choir needs protecting, you see... or so they believe despite the fact that they have all the toys and own the playground. I'm not just "that weird guy on the corner" but an enemy of God and country, a threat to the minds of their children, and, as such, I must be dealt with.

Now, if I lived alone I would be less chicken about the prospective outcome of my subversion, but I have a wife who has worked her ass off for twenty years carving out a career she loves out of nothing but sweat and perserverance that I can only dream of. "Selfishness" would be me putting that on the table for confiscation so that I may feel really swell about myself. If I have to hold something back from the community, or take something dear away from the woman I've loved for the better part of twenty-five years, guess which one I'm choosing? I didn't create this punative environment, sara, but it's one that - for now, anyway - I've made the choice to live in for the present.

I mean it is super easy to sing to the choir, is it not?

What's easy is singing with the choir.

The difference is not small.