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Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 12:54 am
by Laughing Armadillo
LA, you could not care less -- is the phrase.
That's okay. I'm still happy with a 99.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:38 am
by sara
or a 69 -- kidding!

Soul depression, it sucks. I'm glad you've got options -- friends. Do you have any idea why you're feeling so down? (You've probably pointed it out somewhere else, and I've overlooked it --sorry!!)

Moving is great. God, change feels so good sometimes.

Yippee! A story.

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:28 pm
by TragicPixie
umm... leaving dave, being at a school I really hate that has a marginally good program for what I'm doing now, probably not enough sleep, and thsi strange feeling that I may be pregnante isn't helping

But I'll be okay. All in all, it's pretty usual and things will work out eventually and you shall have your story. As long as things work out okay, I shall not have a mini-tragic.

And moving will be good because I'm going to say a huge part of the I-hate-this-school has to do with my roommate, floormates, and RA at the moment. So let's hope it works out.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 9:43 pm
by sara
oh, god, a pregnancy scare! Take a test!!

I know how bad all that stuff sucks; I'm telling you the one college I attended was enough to drive anyone insane. I can't remember all of the weird rules they had. I remember hiding out under a guy's bed like it was 1959 or something, and it really wasn't that long ago. Academically it was good, but that's about it.

I hope it works out -- there were so many times that I wanted to kill my roomie. I mean so many.

But you are going to the UK -- I mean yeah! I'm excited right now by the thought of going to DC, and that's right up the road (sort of)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:25 am
by sara
I just wanted to add -- because I just got back from the doctor's, have a sinus infection, and I'm going to be crashing for the entire evening that I've had my share of the pregnancy scare -- I know what hell I put my head through wondering, you know, take that test.

And I'll probably badger you to hell now that I know you're going to be writing a story for us.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:19 am
by TragicPixie
If I take the test then I'll know for sure - and it's still a little early. If I just stop thinking about it and keep drinking ginger and raspberry leaf tea it will all be good. The whole starving and obsessive complusive running can't hurt (I always run for hours when I'm upset).

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:41 pm
by sara
Compulsive running for hours -- I ride my bicycle, except when the weather turns to poop, then I have to figure something else out.

I think I then think of riding my bicycle. God, I love my park. For the most part I don't like my town, but we have a gorgeous park (if you look to the right going down the path on your way to the end and to your left on the way back up) There's a water treatment plant -- which smells like poop on a bad day -- a real stinker -- and a corrections facility that you'll notice if you look the other way.

I understand about the test

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:54 pm
by sara
Tragic, Sinus infections are a blessing. Like right now, at least for me. It gives me an excuse to go, guilt free, to the book store and buy whatever the hell I want.

I got American Girls about Town

What are you and your girls reading?

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:00 am
by TragicPixie
lol I'm currently reading The Beauty Myth (xmas gift), Lolita (for my women in lit. class focusing on HH's idea about women and how he creates "lolita" out of lo), and assorted feminist essays for women's studies and some history stuff. Ahhh... the joys of a new semester!

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:28 pm
by sara
The Beauty Myth I haven't read. It sounds interesting. Let me know. (Did you check out the book I'm reading? It is pee your pants funny -- to me, and as good ole Adam Sandler says, peeing your pants is COOL!)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:33 am
by TragicPixie
I did some reading about it on Amazon. I may check it out when I free up some time for pleasure reading.

The beauty myth (naomi wolf) is about cultural conceptions of beauty and stuff. actually - my old therapist (back in the days when I had health insurance) recommended it to me ages ago I've only just now decided to read it... and of course I got it for Xmas.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 2:38 am
by sara
You know, Tragic, I do the same thing. Someone mentions a book I go straight to Amazon to see what's up with it. Not that I buy from Amazon that would be a mortal sin or the other one. What is the other one? Jesus, my dad was a Catholic until he was Protestant.

Any way I checked out your book, and it does sound good. You said your therapist mentioned it . . . I've never had a therapist tell me what that is like (I can't imagine -- I have the biggest mouth and tell everyone what I'm thinking, then they tell me how to fix my problems, and I'm like no, fuck that! I don't have problems -- denial, it's great.)

As luck would have it the big G freed up some time for me in the way of snow! hallelujah for snow days.

I am warm and fuzzy about it. I've also had a few beers, which could really be why I am warm and fuzzy.

Snow makes the world feel cozy. Now some people disagree. They think that snow makes mounds of mess, but I am a lucky girl -- I get snow days.

Snow means that when I get up in the morning I will not have to go to work. It means I get to stay under the covers; it means I get to have hot chocolate for breakfast and possibly French toast sticks; it means that by noon I can deal with the difficult decisions of the day -- a movie or a book?

And if I'm feeling less like myself and more like someone who didn't quit her job without having a back up plan earlier this year then I might do some work at home, but I doubt it.

Snow days!!

And I agree with Martino, where the hell has Rosie been for the greater part of a year (and a half?)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:09 am
by TragicPixie
Yeah I always look at books at amazon - never buy from there though. it's kind of weird.

Therapists... I dunno... I had a therapist for years... the first one was really sweet; it was when I was actually hospitalised for my ED. I saw her for awhile when I was about 12. Then I didn't see one again until around 14 - she was a bitch I got stuck with for about a year. During which I lied my ass off to get away from her; and ate like a horse making a big show about being "better" and got really fat. Then I saw a therapist from about 16-18 for depression and my ED. My health insurance ran out so I don't see him anymore - it was ok. Apparently I have issues opening up (this is news me ... well ... unless I'm in love with you; then you'll never know) so his approach really worked for me... instead of talking directly about me we often read books together. Therapy as a book club! Eitherway he did make a lot of progress in me actually understanding a few things: one - I am fucked up, two - I can fix this; three - essentially I do not want to fix this and much be happy in my misery as it were, and four - I am apparnetly good at playing the psychologists' games and can be a fucker about it. (Having been in ED wards of the hospital more times than I'd like I know I have become very good at finding the right answer, giving it, smiling at the right time, doing whatever they want... just to get the fuck out and go back to whatever it is I was doing that got me there).

When I was little I used to love the snow - it meant no school, it was fun to play in... But now that I'm a jaded college student with a school that has a no snow day policy; I hate the snow. It means have to cross Grand in icey snowy conditions and knowing my luck I'll get hit by a car. Plus it means it's cold and wet - I'm not a fan of being cold and wet. My friends like to flatter me and say if I weren't so skinny I'd like it more; but I thinkt hey're just saying that.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:09 pm
by sara
today, snow meant that I got up at seven o'clock anyway. I think I'm getting really old. I used to be able to sleep late -- what happened to that?

So what is ED (emotionally disturbed?) that's the only reference I've heard to ED (other than my own reference to Ed -- Eddie Vedder!!)

No snow day policy -- shame on them. I went to one college in the mountains -- they had the best freaking snow shovels around, and we got snow days!

I love the approach that your therapist had. If I was a therapist, I'd do the same thing. I'm not a therapist though. One of my girl friends has a degree in psych (actually two do), the shit they've told me about therapy -- weird (Gustalt therapy is one of them, bizarre, it's something like your therapists yells at you that you are a loser or something until you admit it -- sounds great.)

Your friends are right. Skinny girls and smokers get cold first. Bundle up!

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 1:19 pm
by sara
Eating Disorder! I am such a dumb ass!