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Up the ass

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:57 pm
by mccutcheon
Since it seems I'm the only fuck head who posts anymore I'm putting it everywhere. It's not the truth and nothing but the truth. But it is my truth.
I'm watching the new Stepford Wives. This is a movie I personally worked on. I hate the Hollywood remake, but this thing is so far from the original they should have had the balls to call it something else. And I gotta say it is actually good. And the first half of the film is predominantly about Artistic Misfit Idealists, NYC, Television, The Septic Tank of America, Jews, Gays, and Love.
The second half of the film is all about how Americans are all robots and sheep asleep to the outside world, and that they don't know what is good for them, or how they kill and are detested, and how all Americans care about is image, money, status, wealth, money, and money.
No wonder it didn't do well in the theatre.
Think about it, this is a film that makes fun of gay Republicans. To para-frizzle-prahse they say a Gay Republican is like a gay guy purposely having a bad haircut. And I remember a time when Tom said he was gonna vote for W. I'm so glad that we have slept together and that I love him. Because only when you have had man meat inside of you banging away, and then after the boy is nice enough to cuddle, can you truly forgive him. I forgive you Tom and can't wait to slip my tongue deep into your mouth and anus. This Thanksgiving as we rejoice in genocide slaughter I will be residing Tom's drumstick all the way to the Bible belt.

America. Land that I love. Why do you hate people? Well, you have spoken and it is just too bad for you. You have a potty mouth and your shit stinks. I will not be giving you kisses or a ream job. Thanks for sodomizing it all up for the kids.

Where to begin

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:28 am
by Tommy Martyn
Next Wednesday (Weather permitting) sees the start of shooting for my massively controversial feature, "The passion of the McC." This fourteen hour epic depicts the last 24 hours (of a bender before falling asleep for two days when he is meant to be writing) in the life of McC. In scene after harrowing scene, McC brutally beats his body with top shelf beer, drugs that smell of cunt juice and indulges in meaningless sex. In a move reminiscent of the reaction to "The passion of the christ." (Small "c" mine) Pee Wee Herman has made a call for all depraved perverts to take a day off from getting high and wanking over porn to watch this movie - that hasn't been made yet.