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Tonight is the night

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 5:12 pm
by mccutcheon
Nabers you comin' tonight? Invite Chris or give me his number so I can call him. Tom is coming.


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:53 pm
by Tom
12" was the most crowded I've ever seen!

Had a great time-wish I could have stayed later. You played some great stuff...thanks for eurotrash girl.

179 Essex for the sex pots

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:36 pm
by mccutcheon
I'm DJing tonight and Mav and his woman are in the city for a little fun. So lock up the pussy cats.


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 4:43 pm
by Tom
How long are the Mav man and T woman in town for???

I can't get into the city this week at all...

Flowered Up!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:14 pm
by mccutcheon
bullshit. you will be there tonight!!!!! come early leave early. don't take the crystal for once in your life. you will be fine.


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 6:31 pm
by Tom
hell..the reason I CAN'T go is because I don't do that kind of shit..

I am at work until late today and have to be at work tomorrow at 5am...

Flowered up 'it's on' is a great song.

now tell me how long they are here for dammit!
You should all come out to the ocean for a day....

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:43 pm
by marky
"Mav man and T Woman" - Sounds like a superhero couple! Now that's a comic book I'd like to read! Wish I could be there, McC.

come on ya cunt. It's On!

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:49 pm
by mccutcheon
well marky you are off the hook because I don't expect you to hop on a plane. as for Tom he can just grin and bare it where the sun don't shine.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:38 pm
by Maverick
We are staying in NY until the evening of New Years' day, then we fly back to seattle.

As we speak, the "T Woman" and I are riding the NJ Transit train to Penn station. We had to stop venting about how right wing my parent have become because we thought the 4 off duty NJ State cops with their budweiser were going to beat the crap out of us for being faggy un American hippies. And mcC is probably frantically trying to clear off some floor for us to sleep on.

Tom, we hope we get to see you...I hope you can make it to the city. Maybe we can go out to the island, but it's all up in the air right now. Come see mcc dj tonight...who needs sleep?

Anyway, if there are any events of note, I'll make my own mini NYC scribbles...

Tommy, are we on for Jan 2 in Seattle?

running to a stand still

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:42 pm
by mccutcheon
Just got back from an East River Park jog. I think Amanda is coming tonight. Now it's time to clean the apartment. But the last time I cleaned up I ended up in the hospital. I see the connection even if you don't.

TOM you MoFo you better Show!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:20 am
by marky
{grabs your collar} I'm afraid I DO see the connection, mister and you better not end up in the hospital ya cunt! If the choice is between cleaning or ending up in the hospital, then don't clean.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:55 am
by marky
But seriously, to McC and Tom: You guys being in NYC and DJing and seemingly leaning towards dance music and all....
have either of you heard the tracks on the New York record label DFA's two compilations? I tried several of them and some were just boring as hell average repetitive dance tracks but two of them just ripped my head off. Whatever I've been looking for in new music, these two tracks are it. Perhaps not QUITE as earthshattering as hearing Blue Monday for the first time, but rather astounding (and ass-shaking) all the same. The tracks are J.O.Y. "Sunplus" and Pixeltan "Get Up Say What". They sound like nothing I've ever heard before in my life. In fact, I've been possessed by this terrible desire to own them on 12" vinyl, which is rare for me...I'm going to go looking for them tomorrow I have to have them. Perhaps you know there is also an LCD Soundsystem album coming on DFA? I'm not sure I'll like it, but I heard one very Eno sounding track and it was fabulous.


Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:21 pm
by Tom
So how was it??

I have been working my ass off for the last 1hour or so....there was no way I could have made it in.

I have to work out a flight route to Phuket right now (we have an executive who has a missing family member there)...and that is not's like trying to navigate in Manhattan once you get below Houston Street and out of the grid...things no longer go the way you expect them to....then I have to get a fuel truck, push out the gulfstream going to vegas , and then do some accounting work.....that ain't stuff you can do on no a big FU to Cutch for making me feel like a loser last night..


Sorry guys...I just can't be counted on some weeks for weekday activities....hope you had a blast...I REALLY wish I could have been there.

I am sure that there are stories to be start telling.

oh-and Marky-I do not have any DFA releases except for LCD Soundsystem....I would love to hear the two records you are talking about...I'll take a look...thanks for the heads up...I haven't been very excited about new music at all...I would love to go record shopping this up for that Cutch?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 2:51 pm
by mccutcheon
yes I am. I see loads of DFA stuff at Kims and Other Music. We should try to hunt those down. I didn't really love LCD Soundsystem all that musch except the song Marky put on a mix for me. But I trust Markys taste.

This Tuesday is still on. Despite the Time Out fuck up. I think we have to get into Time Out because the only other thing is the bars email list. But I'm sure we can get new people in who live in East villiage, lower east side, Williamsbutt and all that.

I learned I can mix while sober and I still love the walkmen and fiery furnaces.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:01 am
by marky
I was despondent for about 2 hours this morning because I couldn't find a Seattle store online who had either of the two 12"es in their catalogues on their websites and there were no record shops open yet. I figured I'd have to order them online, but I didn't really want to be bothered with that because THIS IS MY LAST FREE WEEKEND BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS and I WANT THEM NOW.

So I called that dance/DJ place downtown first, and the guy had no idea what I was talking about - "what KIND of dance music?" he said "there are different kinds of dance music - hip hop, house, techno" - I just said "I don't know what to call it - it's just dance music". So he actually found them but it turned out he hadn't found them in the store, he was just ordering them for me when I hadn't even asked him to do that. I said thank you and goodbye and then called Sonic Boom, still totally despondent thinking I would never be allowed to have those records today. The guy said the computer showed they had them, but I should call their new vinyl annex in about an hour when they were open. So I waited yet another hour. And THEY HAD THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once more that's Pixeltan - "Get Up Say What" 12"
and J.O.Y. "Sunplus" 12". Please don't tell me you're a DJ in this day and age, especially in New York, without these. If you need me to send you these records I will, free of charge, you need only ask.