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Purple Fantasy

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 6:18 am
by Sloth
Sloth Drinks His Purple Fantasy

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:24 am
by marky
Oh my god Sloth mentioned Purple and he didn't even reference Prince to defame it! Sloth mentioned purple before I'd even read this thread! Look, this is like what I was talking about with the PURPLE flowers and Donovan! For real. Let me find out what that record cover is after all, now...


It's called Wear Your Love Like Heaven. That's what I mean, man, Peace, we got to have Peace. Get the Curtis Mayfield out one time for me. The song is called "We gotta have peace" by Curtis Mayfield.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:58 am
by marky
Okay I know I know, Sloth, it's a movie I'm supposed to actually *watch* before commenting and as soon as I finish this post I will proceed to do just that. But after all, it was purple I mentioned in the other thread, and in the end I was just so relieved that you didn't bring Prince in to ruin things. You had a purple themed thread without my fear that Prince would be brought in to ruin it.

Thank you so much!

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:25 am
by marky
Also, it's safe for anyone and everyone to bring Prince in now to ruin it. As I expect will occur. Won't bother me, I've had my purple non-Prince fun.

The movie is hilarious indeed. My computer seems to want to play it over and over and over. Gotta be quiet or I'll wake my roomate syndromre.

I just made up a new French word: "syndromre".

No need to thank me, just send purple flowers.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:58 pm
by marky
I have now saved the movie to my desktop. I feel much better now.

I have also ordered that Donovan LP. I just want the sleeve on my wall so bad.