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the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 2:03 am
by h.
Today Rosie and I went to the beach and drank a whole lot of vodka and grapefruit juice. We cooked drunkenly, didn't get into the water, and now are going to an art show before we go watch Mc deejay.
I think this is a perfect Saturday!

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2002 5:37 am
by <sarah>
your day does sound like perfect bad behavior. I just got back from Rhode Island, where I cooked in the massive unexpected 4th of July heat wave (104) -- the hubby was in a parade and had to walk three miles -- I shouldn't whine I was at least under a tree. But the lady beside me kept screaming about Coladas, I didn't know what the hell she was talking about until the Dunkin' Doughnuts float comes by and I thought she was going to explode, you know how if you say a word too many times it starts to sound funny -- well if you hear a word too many times it starts to sound annoying!! Plus that damn word is now stuck in my head (Col -aaaaaaaah - dus!)

I went to Cape Cod. I don't know what my expectation had been, but I couldn't drink on the streets, it was hot, the hubby couldn't come, and I wasn't with friends. Almost a day worth shooting down. The one saving grace was this artist who painted like Henri Matisse. I got an el cheapo print of Homage to Matisse, which is exactly what I'd paint if I had an ounce of skill.

Tomorrow I'm going back to the Gulf, I feel bad behavior is very near at hand for me as well.

Despite the flying roaches, blatant racism, and extreme poverty I love that place -- it's full the bad behavior of the worst kind, but also of the best kind!!

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 8:36 pm
by <rosie>
i love cape cod and have spent many times there with my deceased friend who lived there. did you go to petetown?
people on the east coast love dunkin donuts. i miss being able to order a coffee light , dark, small,medium, or large.
i also love a parade. sounds like a perfect day except for the heat.
h. and i proceeded with robin, my roommate to lindas tavern for some more vodka and eye candy.
saw mc for 3 min. because we were in a hurry to drink more cocktails and i think kincoras doesn't serve well drinks. we found a ride home with a man that owned a monster truck. h. sat in the trucks bed until we got there. as she gets out and then back in she fell 4 feet down onto the pavement on a hill. she is accident proned, now she has a deformed pinky and a huge bruise.
i was sloppy too. i kissed the loser with the monster truck. anything for a ride and to not have to drive home drunk.

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 10:14 pm
by martino
all this sounds like terrific fun. i envy how close you all are to the ocean, which i miss all the time.

but i am going to the mediterranean tomorrow for a fortnight where i hope for some good news and bad behavior, too. not to mention the strong coffee and fruity rosé. bye for now, talk again in august

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2002 10:35 pm
by mccutcheon
Bon Voyage Martino. And I'm buying a Volvo tomorrow. It's the kind of car you have isn't it?

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2002 12:02 am
by Sloth
Yeah Martino can't say I'm not jealous with England's idea of summer in my midst. Eat some olives and boit un coup for Pax Acidus.

And if anyone wants to hear something rocking you should get the Vines CD that just came out. Or I can post the mp3. I think the spirit of Kurt Cobain has been reborn (and the band played space age nirvana music).

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2002 2:51 am
by <rosie>
it wasn't really a beach it is lake washington. it is polluted with duck shit and an event known as seafair. hydroplanes circle around racing in august, tons of gasoline in the water. the blue angels fly over, but not this year because we are at war, how ironic. you would think it would a good way to show our power like in vietnam when kennedy addressed the american public to muscle vietnam around with " this is the place speech".

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2002 9:39 pm
by h.
I can live with being accident prone. Hell, I can handle falling out of a monster truck as a great "how I got this giant bruise" story. It's being photographed in one of the most humiliating positions ever that bugs me.
Just gotta be more careful about getting falling down drunk from now on. Though Rosie, I still want to get one of those photos from your party and blow it up all huge. Those were cool! Can we still go to the non-beach, except for seafair? I hate all that shit anyway. Too much noise.

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2002 7:07 am
by <rosie>
i got the photos back from the beach where the killer ducks were attacking your sandwich and face. yes, we took photos in the shower with one of my friends and we will send them to sloth. maybe we can even make a pax comic about all the times we fall down.
i love sea fair on a boat tied up to the log. people cross over to other boats. drunken madness , swimming , women in bikinis and hydroplanes. it is horrible though. want to go to the beach at 4:30 today? if so maybe we should get some airline shots! can you be in charge? call me,

the ultimate bad behavior

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:05 pm
by h.
I feel so dumb right now. I think I'll go back to the beach and let the ducks eat me. In the words of one of my favorite poets:

When nothing's left on this slate
I will always find a new way to disappoint me.