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Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:18 pm
by mccutcheon
Something is in the Air tonight. Amanda got me a tix for tonight and it should be good. I really like the new album, even though it got mostly bad reviews from stuffy shirts who were into Freedom fries about this time last year.

One of the great things of being a music fan, is that you can listen to many different types of music all at once. And for my money I gotta say Mekons are so fucking cool. Coal Hole is the best political pop song ever, or at least the most catchy and the album they dikd with Karren Finnely rocks.

Time to get a coffee and a muffin. The only nutrients I'll have today before blasting off into the chemical rush.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:46 pm
by mccutcheon
girls like to make amour to air.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:49 pm
by mccutcheon
so do boys.

except not boys who jack off to twisted sister. but those guys are mostly old now. and in fact get laid so rarely they would fuck to anything at all. except ABBA, but ABBA is good fucking music. it is playfull and orgasmic with a tinge of sadness. just like sex.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:24 pm
by mccutcheon
the show was great, so was the class A high grade cocaine, man it was like snorting e, gave off a lovely glow and not grinding the teeth at all speedy, that had me in bliss all night, floating to the music, though I don't encourage everyone feeling this good. it's a personal choice and I did it on my own free will. Amanda looked super lovely, as she does, and danced all night. After the show i gave a light to Dean Wearham and Britta Phillips who is the New York indie rock Kylie, small and gorgous. and then as the cab was racing us to the next bar it totally sideswiped a parked car, and took off the review mirror and sparks few and everything. no one said anything not even the cabbie, when he let us out Amanda and I just looked at each other and were like Holy fucking shit!!!! Did that just happen? And it did.

And I gotta work on this night, and post it under New York Scribbles because it was all surreal and fun. on nights like that it's good to be alive. You almost, almost, forget to say your prayers at night to keep our troops safe. Because, ya know, we are at war. And I also think we should go back to the old days and if we ever invade a country, the leader should go first. If Bush was strapped to the grill of the first hummer to enter Bagdad do you still think we would have gone in? Deafending your country on home soil is all another mattter.

So this lead me to ask, because I'm stupid ya know, when has a war ever been just by the ones doing the invading? And don't give me any nonsese that we did this for our protection, they knew there was no fucking weapons of mass destruction, they just didn't think that the public would care when it came out. and they are right. they know what they do, these evil ugly smart men who run this country. and who get no prayers from me, why waste them, the are all going to hell come judgement day, not like the prime minister of canada, he gets to party with all God's creatures. Air could be a band from heaven, but now I have to go get a glass of orange juice. and stop, stop making sense.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 2:35 pm
by mccutcheon
President Is Long On Resolve but Short on Details- Washington Post