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Pink Trippin' At the Hut

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 7:36 pm
by Sloth

I didn't like her first album... which I thought sounded rather generic... but you gotta love her fuck off Britney cunt, drink and drugs attitude....

Associated Press

Like a lot of teens, Pink worked at her share of fast-food restaurants. She wasn't exactly a candidate for employee of the month at any of them, though. In a recent interview with The Associated Press, the singer recalled her days at a McDonald's outside Philadelphia.

"I was horrible," said Pink, when asked what kind of worker she was.

"I would open (the restaurant), because I'd be tripping on acid ... and I would say, 'Could I have bathroom duty?' And I would sit in bathroom and watch the tiles."

But despite smoking cigarettes at the drive-thru window and doling out free fries to her friends, she says she worked there a year.

She says she also worked at Pizza Hut for a year but lasted at Wendy's only for an hour and a half — because her boss dared to give her french fry duty. She finagled her way into a break, then asked a friend to call with what would be a prophetic excuse.

"I had my friend call and act like she was my manager, and I had just gotten a record deal at lunch break, and I could never come back because I was gonna be famous," she said.

Her big break did come a year later, when she was signed to a recording contract. Now a multiplatinum artist with hits including "Get the Party Started," the 24-year-old's latest album, "Try This," was released last month.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:44 pm
by Simon Rex
Of course you would! Why even ask? Then again, as drunk and drugged up as you usually are, you'd likely fuck anything with an open hole. Correction: anything with a small, open hole. :twisted:

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:23 am
by rabbit
fuck yes! shes on my list next to angelina jolie.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:23 am
by rabbit
she should be on the bus.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 1:43 am
by sara
Pink has the most interesting female body I've ever seen. She buys motorcycles for her boyfriend. In the hubby's book that makes her second only to Janine in sexiness.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:19 am
by Tommy Martyn
Frankly, this is a crock of shit. Intended no doubt to bolster the meagre rebel status of this talentless twat.

Do I really need to explain myself to a drugged out gang such as the bb of bb? I sure many of us have experience of low paying jobs....and drugs. I have been both employee and employer in the world of the fill in job. Fast food franchises do not let you get away with tripping at work. They are too scared of a law suit. (On my first day in charge of the masses at work in the USA my biggest concern was not meeting production targets but getting through the shift without needing a lawyer.) In my drug days, a good trip would last the best part of a day and would not involve going to work. Anyroads, it would take up a little longer than the time Mickey D assigns to toilet cleaning. (Five mins?) People who trip out at work don't stay for a year. In fact, a year at Mc Donalds seems like a long time.

So I call bullshit on her. Also, dissing Britney is not enough to get you on the bus. If it was, then John Ashcroft would be the driver.

And while we are at it, I should mention that whenever and wherever I have worked, the most hated character in any workplace is the lazy, incompetent twat. By slacking off at work, old Pink wasn't sticking it to "the man." She just made life harder for her co-workers who had to cover her sorry arse. I can remember a year of getting called in on my day off to fill in for a lazy shite who couldn't make it in with a hangover. Which is slightly better than what most employers do - have the remainder do the extra persons work. Getting the work of eight people while paying seven makes old Ronald McDonald beam.

And what's with the crap about getting a pal to call in to say she must quit? If you are leaving you just walk out the door. Well, if you're fucking rock n roll you do. I rest my case. She can fucking walk.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:37 am
by Sloth
She has a cute nose and thus can be forgiven.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:24 pm
by mccutcheon
me no likey.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 5:37 pm
by martino
i bought pink's new cd for my daughter's birthday yesterday.

being 13, daughter can be excused for so-so taste in music.

everybody else: no excuse, really. don't believe the hype. pink is one dumb chick.

tommy: right on, tommy! nobody says it better.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 10:22 pm
by sara
So there's a party. Pink shows up to cater and perform; Tommy and Martino fire her on the spot. Slothers and Rabbit are tickled . . . pink, because that means she's all theirs for the evening. I find happiness sitting next to the rock star, which I lose as soon as Tommy explains why she is not a rock star. Mc is not at all interested until he realizes it might just make a great story.

And where are Mark, Jack, h., Rosie, Maverick, Brett, and Myke –they are in the kitchen making hot Scotch toddies, snorting coke, and talking about this new guy who has just shown up, Simon Rex. He's wearing nothing but a devilish grin because he knows that since Pink can't ride the bus, he's walking her home.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 12:40 am
by Simon Rex
Lovely Sarah. Will you join us? It's a nice night for a walk. Especially with 2 lovely ladies.


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:05 am
by Maverick
sara, that was one of the most visual posts I've seen on here. I could imagine the whole scene, and it sounded like fun. maybe that's becuause I just finished performing in the butt end of theatre (Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre) and shared a few beers after the show with my director, while bitching about the snotty audience who couldn't be on the bus if you gave them a Hemingway novel, a bag of coke and a keg of Guinness. Anyway, we should try that scenario, it'd be good for one of Mc's stories.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 10:55 pm
by sara
What else was Murder Mystery Dinner Theater like? It sounds fun.

I went to a Sherlock Holmes and the Clocktower Mystery exhibit last year -- you followed the clues to solve the crime. I took about 50 twelve-year-olds, so as I'm sure you can imagine, I was following the children to make sure they didn't commit crimes

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 11:09 pm
by Tommy Martyn
So there's a party. Great. Wait a minute though, it's on a week night at short notice. How am I going to get a babysitter at such short notice? I call Mc for details - in the unlikely event I can go. He tells me he is heading over there about ten or so after they score some charlie. I tell him I might see him later, even though I know I never stay up after nine thirty. I make myself some hot chocolate and settle in to compose the message that's going out with the christmas cards this year.

The phone rings and I get it pronto so the ringing doesn't wake the kids. It's Mc and he is all excited. He tells me to get over real quick as Pink is here. I tell him I will see what I can do. I drop the phone in the cradle, take a leak ,clean my teeth and head off to bed.

The kids have climbed in with the wife, it looks like a hallmark moment. A moment with no room for me though. As I head off to the cold bed the missus calls me. We kiss goodnight. I tell her I love her and I'm about to leave it at that when a question just slips out.

"Hey baby, what's a pink."

"Get to bed, weirdo."

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2003 11:26 pm
by sara
What else was Murder Mystery Dinner Theater like? It sounds fun.

I went to a Sherlock Holmes and the Clocktower Mystery exhibit last year -- you followed the clues to solve the crime. I took about 50 twelve-year-olds, so as I'm sure you can imagine, I was following the children to make sure they didn't commit crimes