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Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:10 am
by marky
With all due respect, Tommy, I dare you to fuck with that one.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 7:22 pm
by Tommy Martyn
Looks to me like this is a shout to the balcony from Sarah. It is hardly my place to get in the way of lovers. (I might say that she is in danger of stretching the spring on the Jack-in-the box a little too far, which could render it useless. But I suspect she knows that. If the, "pop goes the weasel" bit refers to weaving, then I like it. Lord knows about this word game she is setting up. Sounds like three dimensional scrabble to me. Just ask him to write a poem. Also, Candyland. What is it? Where is it? Who or what do you hitch a ride with? Do people have bad teeth there? Are they fat.)

Please don't think that I didn't enjoy reading this. I thought it was a nice way of asking old Jack to show us his stuff.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:56 pm
by sara
candyland is a boardgame for little kids, but I think it's spelled with two words. Didn't you play?

I did over do it, the word games, but it's just for fun.

May I have a poem please?

now where's the fun in that?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 9:51 pm
by sara
So, I'm cooking, and I'm thinking about the question -- can you really hitch a ride to Candyland? it's bothering me, so I work it out, here's how:

On the Gulf Coast -- I think near Mobile, I was ignoring most of what my husband said when he talked about this -- there is a strip club, called tit bar by the very articulate biker hubby, its name is Candyland. Now if you own a motorcycle and you live in Virginia right now and you want to go to Candyland with your biker buddies, how are you going to get there? you're going to hitch a ride to Candyland.

That is absolutely not what I meant when I wrote the poem so it's pretty irrelevant, but it can be done.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:18 pm
by sara
why oh, why, didn't I wait until the hubby came home and set me straight about the story -- I was wrong, it can't be done to my knowledge, the tit bar was actually named The Candy Store and it's in Tilman's Corner, which is just outside of Mobile, but who cares now, I'm deflated.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:50 am
by Maverick
I'm sure it's possible. There must be a strip club somewhere in the world called "Candyland"

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:36 am
by Jack Chiefton
Ah Sarah- Such a wonderful poem that was. I always appreciate your poems. However, this week I have written over 30 pages in research papers and an extra 10 pages in essays, and i'm just wiped out. I'm just burned out, don't even want to think. I swear it, I could defacate in my drawers right now and wouldn't notice. Perhaps i'll oblige some night when my head is filled with nectar and my eyes are floating amongst the clouds.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 4:40 am
by Tommy Martyn
A long time ago in my hometown it was quite common to call a pub by another name than the one above the door. For instance, the "Hare and Hounds," was known as "Tommy Hall's" as that had been the name of the landlord for many years. Many years before I was born I may add. The Victoria was known as the long pull as it sat atop a steep incline and in it's day had been a long pull for the horses going there with the ale.

Now it came to pass that a pub called the Sun Inn got a new landlady. She was pretty, although not young. In her prime she had been second runner up in the miss Liverpool competition or something and she was still proud of her figure. On the occasional Saturday she used to have one too many and would try her luck with one of the lads young enough to be her son. (In those days me and my mates) If she would have two too many she used to plug her favourite sounds into the jukebox and climb up on the bar and dance with her top off. So it came to pass that the Sun Inn became know as the Swinging Tit. That was and still is my favourite name for a pub.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 5:24 pm
by mccutcheon
Let's go for some tits soon Tommy.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:12 am
by Tommy Martyn
Friday night is Adam Hollingsworth's 30th birthday. Some of you met him at my house. A gang is assembling at Kells round about the 7pm mark.

Saturday night at 1am is the rugby union world cup final. There is a party for that as well. (On Boylston I think) If you are not into the rugby then you might want to give this one a miss. I should add that most people there will not be bringing girlfriends.

The final is being contested between Blessed Albion and Australia.

holy mary mother of god!!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:35 am
by h.
Tommy, I think my past has finally caught up with me. Tell Adam happy birthday.

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 3:23 am
by marky
But Sarah, if Candy Land was a real place, if the board game came to life...then it would be possible to hitch a ride there. What's wrong with a little imagination in poetry?

Would like to go to Kells, but it's been a long day. Last thing I want to do is go catch yet another bus and go all the way downtown. But happy hangovers.

I'm getting tired of the coffee-flavored brandy. Have to switch to red wine here in a sec.